Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I tried...

To go to school. But no, too much snow. Damn, turned around at the sight of the freeway. I would have been at least an hour late. Now, I must work on my embroidery. Short post, yes. Longer one later today? Maybe. School soon, then work. Small break in between when I must finish homework. I'm tired. But in a good place.

I've been thinking a lot about family lately.

Update: I tried again and made it. Though this time was probably worse than it would've been this morning. People just don't understand that snow means be careful. Semis going 50. Breathe.


yiqin; said...

Ohman, I went to school for literally nothing today :/

Brittany | the Home Ground said...

It's horrible! I just drove back to school! I'm sorry you didn't have any classes!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Be safe! I hate driving in the snow...I really don't even like riding while someone else is driving in snow.

Matt Chung said...

(i tired to tell you this on twitter but i dont think it made sense.)

yeah I was at my parents and decided to just not go to my morning class that day.

we should watch hp and drink hot chocolate soon or something.

Brittany | the Home Ground said...

Rebecca - Thanks! I'd much rather be driving in the snow, I get really nervous when someone else is and I'm not in control!

Matt - That was definitely a smart decision. Harry Potter and hot cocoa is a must in the next week.

Helen Cuthbert said...

I had a snow day today in the UK!! It's great as I get to have a day off work and do my own projects...I made a cushion!!!

Brittany | the Home Ground said...

That's great Helen! I had no idea that snow was such a big deal in the UK. All of the UK blogs I read are so excited. Here in Michigan, winter (and the snow it brings) is a five month season! I hope you really enjoyed your day off :)